The Tummy Whisperer
Welcome to the Tummy Whisperer Podcast. I'm your host, Renee Barasch, a certified digestive health specialist. In this podcast, I'll be discussing how to rehabilitate your tummy so you can sleep better, turn off cravings, increase energy, and feel great. I'm here to provide real answers and practical solutions for those dealing with typical digestive discomforts to more severe issues such as chronic gas, painful bloating, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, and ridiculous heartburn. Additionally, I'll explore the connections between seemingly unrelated issues such as allergies, fatigue, and skin conditions through various diagnostic tools and testing. I'll help identify nutritional deficiencies in the digestive tract and develop a plan that is sustainable and effective so you can have better digestion, absorption, and detoxification for optimal health and well-being.Join me each week on the Tummy Whisperer Podcast as we take a deep dive into digestive wellness, a place of understanding, knowledge, and empowerment for finding lasting balance for a lifetime of better health. Follow us now on Apple or Spotify or wherever you stream your favorite shows. I look so forward to talking with you soon!
The Tummy Whisperer
Ep. 13 - Unlocking Wellness Through the Gut-Brain Connection: A Holiday Season of Flavor and Balance
Embark on a journey with us as we uncover the mysteries of the gut-brain connection, a key to unlocking your healthiest self, and how it doesn't have to mean sacrificing the flavors you savor during the festive season. Get ready to be inspired by a story of transformation; meet a client who, with small but powerful dietary tweaks, found a path to wellness that didn't dim the joy of her meals. We'll also discuss how flower essences can offer a natural approach to mental clarity and emotional balance, with a tip to try out the revealing Lotus Wei flower quiz.
The conversation doesn't stop at the dinner plate; your furry friends might just be the dopamine boost you didn't know you needed, and we'll share how the simple act of crafting a to-do list can lead to little victories in your daily routine. Hear about a client's journey to joint pain relief after waving goodbye to gluten, and explore how your culinary choices might be shaping more than just your waistline. If the holiday stress is creeping in, remember, that luxury can be a remedy – we discuss indulgent self-care essentials and encourage you to reach out for personalized guidance. Don't forget to support 'The Tummy Whisperer' by downloading, following, and sharing the love with a review.
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I'm so excited for today's podcast. And hello everybody, welcome to the Tommy Whisper podcast. Your episode number 13,. My good luck number Mine too, see, that's. There's no surprise there. I'm excited for today's episode because we're going to talk a lot about the gut brain connection and how the brain kind of helps us to stay stuck and how it doesn't allow us to move forward and then how it doesn't help us to shift to make the choices we need to make for better health. So it's holiday time, it's food season time, right, it's sweets and overindulgence and overhound pundits of everything and people. And I'm getting it now. I'm getting. The feedback is on.
Speaker 1:I'm going to talk to you after the first of the year and I had a woman just come to me. Her husband's been my client for years and then she decided I think I better talk to her. She's having a little bit of GI issue, but she's having some shoulder issues, she's having bone spurs that are pinching at her nerves and causing a lot of issue, and she didn't really want to change her diet. Years ago I talked to her a little bit about gluten. It was one of those things I could say you're either you either want to do it because you're in bad enough shape or you can manipulate your mind and see if you can tolerate it for a while, rather than you really should be eating it. So she's growing spurs now she's having some issues and she said I'm going to start after the first of the year and she's worried about surgery and she's worried about all the stuff that I said to her. Why are you going to wait? Why are you going to wait till after the first of the year? I can feel like you're going to be not going to be able to enjoy the holiday Not at all, but people are in this mindset that restriction equals no fun, equals I can't enjoy my life, and that is such a crock of shit, because when you start taking control to need your perfect example, you start taking control of your life. You start making some little tiny, easy changes that were so simple for you and boom, look at how good you feel. You're like yeah, I got this. Yeah, you have to take a little bit of action, one step forward. One of my mentors says if nothing changes, nothing changes. So if you don't do something, you're going to stay in the same rut. And what I want to talk about today, besides just that gut brain connection right, because it's so important.
Speaker 1:People think they have to think their way into better health. I have to do this. I have to not eat dairy anymore. I have to. And you don't have to have a mindset. What you have to do is just take a step back, guys. Right, take a step back, take a minute to breathe and get quiet. How do we get quiet? A lot of us don't, because we get monkey mind right. I got to do this, I got to do all these things I got to do. It's impossible to be quiet. How do we get ourselves to be quiet? Flower essences. Are you familiar with flower essences, ginny? What?
Speaker 2:is it?
Speaker 1:Flower essences have been around for a really long time. It's like essential oils, but different Flower essences basically stimulate the body's natural capacity to bring it back into homeostasis or balance. Through the nose, through the essences of the flowers, and a lot of practitioners use them, and I've been using this company for just a short time it's probably under a month. It's a company called Lotus Y it's actually Lotus Way, but it's spelled W-L-O-T-U-S-W-E-I. They have an amazing.
Speaker 1:I'm going to make you take the flower quiz and then we can put my link in the chat which you'd like. I'm going to send it to you so it works with your emotions and it helps you get unstuck. So, like right here when I did my first quiz, I got this elixir that was called quiet mind. Right, who couldn't use some quiet mind? And what the quiet mind does? It helps your monkey mind be still. It helps the kind of waterfall of thoughts turn into a quiet link so that you can think and process. And all these elixirs are in a little bit of honey and it's a very specific flower essence profile for quieting the mind. There is one that I love called radiant energy, and this radiant energy just helps you not have more energy, but helps you plug in your day and all these things to do with. Like, my list is 10,000 things long and I only have room for 1,000 things today. This helps you get the list done. Helps you get the list done. It's amazing.
Speaker 2:How did you find that company? Was it recommended?
Speaker 1:One of my clients who is a cancer survivor, uses it in her arsenal and she's been using them for years. And her, even one of her medical doctors. She had an appointment just recently not too long ago to catch up on things. And always that fear when you have cancer in the back or you don't want it to come back, you have that, always that fear. So your emotions are on high alert, right. And even her one of her doctors told her your cancer is coming back, which I was like just horrified that he even said that because he should have his license called. Every doctor should be honest but at least give their patients some hope and be like, hey, it may or might not come back, and Dr Cansay it's for sure coming back. He doesn't know that and he can't say for sure that it's not going to come back. So, in any event, it threw her into a loop, and not so much because she really takes really good care of herself, but these old gems have been a way to help her quiet and calm and feel like her body is strong and moves to her day without this crazy fear.
Speaker 1:So there's a quiz that you can take. There's 12 question quiz. It has you look at flowers. It picks what you need and then you order and I'm telling you, Janine, you would love it. One of my favorite ones is the inner piece elixir. I'm reading it here because the descriptions are so long, I pull off the big aha moments for people. So the inner piece elixir is to help you feel confident, calm, with inner strength, inner peace, regardless of what stress arises. So you'll experience like grounded stability, so that nothing can really move you from your center. Who couldn't use that Right?
Speaker 2:So interesting.
Speaker 1:So I started using these in the I'll never forget the first spray. This one is actually called the boundless wisdom. This is one of the ones for sleep.
Speaker 2:So where do you spray those exactly?
Speaker 1:So for the sprays you just spray around your aura, it smells. I wish you could smell it. I wish the computer scratched it. This is so beautiful and it's just flowers and it doesn't last very long. But you just spray and just the smell. Yeah, I'm already everything's good. It brings these flower essences. Bring your body back to balance is what they do. So the cool thing was they have the essences for animals too, and it's the same formulas for humans. So I took the flower quiz for rookie and he needed we needed one of the same elixirs. And then Mark and I needed one of them, the same one as well. This one is called luscious embodiment. This one is great for stress, great for trauma, it's great for just balancing hormones. It's really a wonderful formula. But it's funny, my dog doesn't have great recall. Rook come, he's. Yeah, whatever, I mean, that's a typical beetle.
Speaker 2:My dogs are too. They're stubborn. They should super you. They're very stubborn.
Speaker 1:So, so stubborn. So I sprayed around him and he was like what is this, mom? And then he had a bout side for pottings. So the usual is Rook, come back in for pies and he's no, I have to shake the cookie thing. I hope none of my trainers are sharing me say this. Sorry guys, but I don't always shake the cookie thing right away, but I'm like I just waited for him to just be like no, I'm not coming in. So I said Rook come. He turned around, looked at me and made a beeline for inside. I was like good boy, good boy. He got a lot of pats, lot of cookies. He was a very good boy and he's been. It's interesting, it's just like he's just more relaxed. He's got high energy. But I love it. He loves the flowers. I put a little drop on my finger, he comes and he smells it. He loves it and our dogs need the same.
Speaker 1:It says that we do because they pick up on our frequency. So the lady that started this company years ago she has a lot of wonderful people doing podcasts, a lot of holistic veterinarians. I listened to one of the podcasts and one of the vets said that he had to go in and give this old man horrible news about his dog having this like weird cancer, very rare cancer, and the dog has it and wasn't going to live much longer. So the vet comes in to tell the guy and the guy jumps back I think that's, are you okay? And he said I am in remission from that exact cancer. His dog picked up his type of rare cancer that canines can rarely get. But canine picked it up for this human. They pick up on our frequency, they pick up on our sadness, they pick up on our joy. So that's why it's just so important to take care of yourself, especially dog people out there. You know how much you love your dog. I know it's your name. Box for babies, the child.
Speaker 2:I love my dog, I love them, so this is a great gift. What if someone currently has cancer, and is it something that you could say, I could send them a link for, and that would be helpful for them?
Speaker 1:Yeah, because I'm not kind of would don't think I have cancer. I hope I never have it, but I would assume with any kind of disease that's fatal can be fatal, there's gotta be a certain amount of stress, fear, anxiety.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:It's just from the diagnosis itself. These are so amazing to just help give that inner peace, that hope, that momentum. It's been such a game changer for a lot of my clients myself as well, and I. That's why I want to do a full podcast about it today, because it's this I love this, Renee.
Speaker 2:What's the link? I can put it in the bio here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, here I'll. Can I erase it here? Should I text it to you?
Speaker 2:I'm going to put it in the stream yard link right now.
Speaker 1:Okay, here let me get it real quick. Yeah, it is just so amazing here, I'm going to send it right to you.
Speaker 1:I'm a messenger so you can see it and copy it. Will that work? Perfect, okay, here, hold on Coming your way. Should we just put fingers far? Okay, I just sent it, so you have it. Yeah, yeah, I have to tell you just, we've had a fair amount of stress in the house with my husband and since July it's been a little tough and on the old pocketbook here. But there's just something about having something move over you that relieves that worry. Right, it doesn't put more money in the bank account, but what it does do is it actually helps your body. Just know that everything's going to be okay. There's formulas for trauma. There's formulas for everything. I mean, you take this little flower quiz. I should actually have you take the flower quiz. I wish we could video, like you can pop it up and do it. I don't know if you could do.
Speaker 2:Could I? Yeah, I probably could. How long? How long is the flower like? Let me see here.
Speaker 1:I want to try this. Let's see here. I want you to take your.
Speaker 2:I want you to take your quiz, okay, lotuswaycom, can you still see me? I can still see you, lotuswaycom, here I go.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Okay, what are you most? Take the Lotus quiz, Okay. So here I go. I am totally new. Take this 30 second quiz. Okay, here we go. Which of the flowers are you most attracted to? Take your time. Is that from the scent or are you vision you're getting?
Speaker 1:a visual with your eyes and just take your time.
Speaker 2:Do you have too much on your plate? Are you going through major life changes? Oh wow. Which flower are you most attracted to from the lineup? Interesting. Do you feel boggled down? Yes, that there's not enough time in the day. Yes, One more time. Which botanical are you most drawn to? Oh wow, that looks like a hibiscus Interesting. Enter your email.
Speaker 1:Good, you just took your quiz, okay, yeah, and then it'll send you what is going to show up for you. And the elixirs and the essences and the anointing are also great. They're not. They're anywhere between 35 and like 45 a bottle. But I got the three and then Mark took his quiz and I got his and we just use them every day. You could put the elixirs in water, you could put them in coffee and tea. There's no wrong way to do it. You can set an alarm to just spray, spray you this anointing oil. Oh my God.
Speaker 2:I want to know when that did it show up. Yeah, anointing oil is one of them.
Speaker 1:Which one? Which flavor though? Which one was it? Awaken courage.
Speaker 2:Oh, open heart, anointing oil, open heart.
Speaker 1:Yeah, in fact, here got that one right here. Oh my God.
Speaker 2:Open heart.
Speaker 1:Rookie needed that one, you and Rook.
Speaker 2:And then game changer miss.
Speaker 1:Oh, I think that one smells amazing and then I do.
Speaker 2:The third one is inner peace, alexa, oh my God, yeah, I'm telling you, it's.
Speaker 1:these. Things are just their game changers, clearly game changing.
Speaker 2:I love that. Wow, it's so interesting. It literally took 30 seconds.
Speaker 1:And here's the other thing. Is that, mentally right, we're trying to do all this stuff and then, oh my God, a diet change. Oh my God, I can't. I'm just going to continue feeling like shit. So back to the gut brain connection. Right, they rely on each other. Your brain dictates to your gut, your gut feeds the brain.
Speaker 1:If the brain doesn't have good nutrients on board from what goes into the gut, you're going to be deficient, you're going to feel anxiety, you're going to feel stressed, you're going to feel overwhelmed, You're going to feel cravings, you're going to have shitty sleep, You're going to not care If you don't have enough serotonin, dopamine, enough all these things on board, things that you dopamine. Serotonin you get from the gut, you get from your carbohydrates. If you don't digest them very well, you're going to be deficient. Dopamine is all about finishing things, making a list, getting things done. Dopamine you get from hugging your chalupas, your dogs, people that are animal lovers right, get a big download of dopamine from just that. Feel good, right. When I'm stressed and Rooks has his whole place caught and I look at him and he's sleeping and I shouldn't be touching him, go over and just start petting him. He gives me a little grumble. Mommy, don't disturb me, I'm like, but you're just so cute I got to kiss you.
Speaker 2:Love my baby. Sometimes I just look at their little faces and they make me so happy that I can't even like comprehend life without them. I love them so much.
Speaker 1:That's a drip of dopamine. That's a drip right there. And another way to get dopamine is making a small list, checking things off and finishing things. If you are stuck, you can't do it. These little things, janine, I'm telling you. I know you're going to be texting me and going what the hell correction is. It is so amazing the lady that started this company. Her story is compelling, amazing. So for the people out there that just have so much on their plate, they're feeling horrible emotionally. They can't get it together, they can't move themselves forward. They know they're not feeling good. Look to what's going on emotionally, but also through food and diet. If you know, you have to. And it's not about eating more broccoli, because for some people broccoli is like the wrong thing. People like, oh, renee's going to tell me to eat more vegetables. No, that vegetables are bad for certain people.
Speaker 1:And it's another whole podcast right.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So it's about eating things that are less inflammatory for your body, helping your body break it down, getting the nutrients, the nourishment and the minerals from your food so that your brain has happy joy on board. And if you're stuck and you're in a room which all of us are not even because it's holiday time or Christmas time, which we're going to have almost 50 degrees on Christmas odd, or 45 degrees should be like snowing cold here, but anyway, that's insane. But everybody's still pedal to the metal and when your gut gut isn't working and your brain isn't working, you got one foot on the gas and one foot on a break and you're not going anywhere. Your body has to be able to have that low down with the break and ease off the break and acceleration. And that's what I think these do. They help your body, naturally do it. It's just, it's a stepping stone, it's another bridge to help you move through your day.
Speaker 2:So yeah, how often do you spray?
Speaker 1:them. So I spray five times a day. I get up in the morning, I spray, I put my little, my little quiet mind. I either put it in my chair or just do some drops, like right here it's in honey, it's an organic honey, so it just tastes good, yeah, and even just now I feel like it's good. Don't do drugs, do flower licenses.
Speaker 2:Seriously, everyone get high on flowers. That's what I'm talking about.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. Yeah, I mean we need to change the name of my podcast to high on flowers, because high on flowers these are. These have been life changing for me and for so many of my clients that I've only been using for such a short period of time, but I wanted to have a little time under my belt to give you a full episode here. They're great. So again for the for those of you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, underslapped, craving sugar, need some beer, can't figure it out? What do you do? Take 30 seconds to take the flower quiz, order your flowers and start to just feel that you have some wiggle room to help yourself move your body in the right direction. If you already know you're having digestive issues, you're having poor sleep, you're having cravings, you're having joint pain. Digestion doesn't even have to be necessarily about gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, acid reflux and gout. Right, it can be about simply joint pain.
Speaker 1:I had a client come to me about three months ago, maybe about two and a half months ago. No digestive issues whatsoever. She felt great. She had bowel movements every day. Everything was good. She had joint pain, fingers, wrists, shoulders, knees and hemming. Going to orthopedics. Doing physical therapy, eating clean exercise, eating gluten. Took out the gluten, joint pain is gone from head to toe, no digestive issues. So those of you out there are having joint pain and your sleep is horrible and your craving have to start looking at what you're eating. Your body has to break down what you're eating, your body has to absorb the nutrients from what you're eating and your body has to get rid of waste on a cellular level.
Speaker 2:It's so true People don't understand it. Now, how long has it been since I've been, for the most part, gluten free, other than I?
Speaker 1:think you're like three months, maybe Three months.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I do not have a problem sleeping, going to sleep, staying asleep Did I used to, absolutely Sure, but I'm an early riser as it is, so I usually get up in the morning early to crack it on. But I mean anything that will help anyone, that's natural and that's easy to do. Why not just give it a try? It's less expensive than going to doctors later on in life.
Speaker 1:Going to doctors, losing time off of work, losing time away from events that are family events. Who wants to do that? I always tell my clients pay now or pay later. Yeah, a little bit now for your health, or pay a lot later, when you're having really bad health and you have to do a lot more things and buy some flowers and take your analysis tests Right. So it's true, yeah, so yeah, I just wanted to bring these, bring some light to these beautiful flowers. I feel like God gave us everything we need to be healthy and well, and taking advantage of some of these beautiful things in nature are what our body resonates with and what our body wants on a deep cellular level. Not pharmaceuticals, not genetically modified food, good clean water, good clean air, good thoughts. And if you can't have good thoughts, spray some of the flowers and change your mind, because, boy is this stuff. It's just so perfect. It's not too sweet, it's not too anything.
Speaker 2:It just feels so natural Walking into like a hotel lobby when you smell that whiff of that aroma of like hotel, which I think is always synthetic.
Speaker 1:But I know it right.
Speaker 2:But if it were not synthetic and we're not, and we're like actually healthy, these are all natural, essential. Are they like? Natural Flowers? It's just flowers, it's all it is.
Speaker 1:It's just flowers, flower essences, and this made, like some of them, like this one has. I can read it. This one has Hybisthrin rose, this one has geranium, something I can't pronounce Mardicula Some of these flowers are rare and she travels all over the world to find these really clean species of these flowers. And the flowers work on the flowers, they work on your psyche, they work on the emotions to help your body just be strong and new forward.
Speaker 2:So I think I dig it. I think that's great. Yeah, so you're gonna order your trio girl. Yeah, nice gift, but I'm actually really thinking about Gifting it to a family member. We'll have them take the quiz.
Speaker 1:Right. It's a great gift, so they get the right ones, absolutely. I had Mark take the quiz and he's like I don't know if I did it right now. I just picked the ones that I really liked and like. Then it was right. It's like whatever Resonated with you. I wonder why that is. That's so interesting. It took my time when I read the questions, but I was I was like yeah, no, that one. And then I was doing Rook's. I was somehow tapped into him and picking for him and Definitely come in for potty's word.
Speaker 2:Good boy, it's got the flower lounge podcast, by the way. You should have her. We should get her on your show, yeah she's phenomenal, she's.
Speaker 1:I have so much respect for her. She's just amazing.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, our lounge, that's cool. The flower lounge, flower lounge meets the tummy whisper. I like that.
Speaker 1:I love it. I think that we could definitely try to get.
Speaker 1:Love to have her on for sure. But yeah, I want to just wish everybody a very happy holiday. Those who celebrate Christmas and I won't be on, I don't think before new years, just Try to make good decisions that are going to give you joy. It's not about having all this restriction in your life, but it's also about not feeling like shit and having to run to the bathroom Because they're eating stuff that's so bad for you that you can't even enjoy the holiday. So take a moment to breathe, take a moment to find some joy in your life. Other, taking a walk, going down, making some choices for yourself that start now, not January 2nd, because why wait? And I'll end with a quick story.
Speaker 1:My one of my coaches told me that she had a client who got some Halloween candy big bag, a king-size bag of Reese's and Starting it yeah, I wanted to figure she'd stop it to ended up eating the whole bag. She's now diabetic because of a ginormous. And you say people like I would never do that, but once you start and then you can't stop. The brain just says yes, more and more. Now You're like I'm going for it, I'm going for it. The cravings come from the brain, not from the empty stomach. So when you give your body the balance that it's craving, then you can have one or two and feel satisfied and not go into a diabetic coma. It is so important to make good choices, and if you can't get there, take the flower quiz, hit the button, get yourself some essences.
Speaker 2:It will help you eat all that Halloween candy. And she became diabetic after that. Yep.
Speaker 1:She yeah, she was in the hospital and diabetic, almost like a diabetic coma, and she has. She's insulin dependent. Now Is a body what the flip and flip are you doing? Body doesn't a shot.
Speaker 1:Yeah, body couldn't handle it. Sugar overload. So many people are addicted to the sugar I have. I have a sweet tooth. I watch it when I want something sweet, or half a banana with a little bit of sun butter. I'm good for apple repair with some sun butter, or Yum, little something. In fact. This company makes some chocolate too. They make chocolate with the flutton fuse flowers. So, yeah, they have. I haven't tried them yet, but that could be a good gift as well.
Speaker 2:Really. Yeah, this was so interesting, renee. Yeah, I thought it would be great to talk about, just to.
Speaker 1:People need something to help themselves because, jenny, me too you can't just think your way out of stuff Like I'm gonna do this. You need help, especially in our world, especially with everything that's going on and the stress she just keeps closing you in. This gives you more room to think, to breathe, to make better choices, to enjoy your life, so they don't have to feel so overwhelmed and exhausted and craving all the bad stuff.
Speaker 2:So true, absolutely anything to help. And if it smells Luxurious and and like a nice blossom, blooming flower, I'm down.
Speaker 1:You will love them. I can't wait to get your order. But but yeah, so I'm excited for everybody who takes the quiz and gives himself a little gift for the holiday. Anybody was struggling with so much stress on the link Lotus way, and then I got my link in the in me. I think, jenny, you put it in the chat there and yeah, and I hope I'm wishing everybody a very happy holidays and wellness. And for anybody who's struggling, anybody who has questions, digestibly, absorptively or sleep fatigue I'm not sure what to do because you're feeling so bad joint pain, you can find me the tummy whisperercom, you can reach out and I'd be happy to get your questions answered for you.
Speaker 2:Listen, everyone, if you haven't already, go to apple spotify and download, follow, share the tummy whisperer, leave a five star review it goes a long way and Continue to tune in and and learn some things that you didn't know before. And we'll see everybody in two weeks.